• Area of Focus: Financial Services
  • Geography: Asia
  • Stage: Growth
  • Investment Year: 2018
  • Website Link

Ant Financial

Ant Financial Services Group, officially established in October 2014, is an innovative technology provider that aims to bring inclusive financial services to the world. Headquartered in Hangzhou, China, Ant Financial is the operator of Alipay, an online payment service launched in 2004 which has since evolved into the world’s largest payment and lifestyle platform. As a member of the Alibaba digital economy, the company is working hand in hand with Alibaba Group to make it easy for anyone to do business anywhere around the world. Through its innovative technologies, Ant Financial is committed to helping global consumers and small-and-micro enterprises gain access to inclusive financial services that are secure, green, and sustainable, creating greater value for society and bringing equal opportunities to the world.