
In 2003, Warburg Pincus invested in TransDigm Group (TransDigm), a global designer, producer, and supplier of highly engineered aircraft components for use on nearly all commercial and military aircrafts in service at the time of the firm’s investment. Warburg Pincus believed that TransDigm’s strong competitive position and exceptional management team made it an ideal platform for growth in a fragmented industry ripe for consolidation that was well-positioned to benefit from attractive secular tailwinds in its core aerospace end market. TransDigm’s product offerings at the time of the firm’s investment included ignition systems and components, mechanical/electro-mechanical actuators and controls, power conditioning devices, engineered latches and cockpit security devices, lavatory hardware and components, specialized electric motors, and specialized valving. Warburg Pincus worked closely with management to develop a formal corporate development function at the company. TransDigm shifted personnel and organizational responsibilities to aggressively pursue proprietary add-on acquisition opportunities in a more structured approach and these efforts yielded a rich pipeline of acquisition targets and numerous completed transactions. Throughout the life of the investment, the Warburg Pincus team continued to support TransDigm’s acquisition program, which generated substantial revenue growth from approximately $300 million in 2003 to over $700 million in 2009. In 2006, Warburg Pincus assisted TransDigm with a successful IPO on the New York Stock Exchange. Warburg Pincus exited the investment in 2009.

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The investments described in the case studies are provided for illustrative purposes only and are not, and do not purport to be, representative of all investments, or all types of investments, previously made by Warburg Pincus, or indicative of the performance of all prior Warburg Pincus investments. The case studies have been selected on the basis of objective criteria that Warburg Pincus believes are representative of the firm’s experience partnering with portfolio company management teams, and of the sectors, stages, strategies and/or geographies in which the firm invests. The information provided in the case studies are not necessarily an indication of future results, and may not be relied up for any purpose. Warburg Pincus’ current or future portfolio companies may differ materially in size, type, performance and other characteristics from the investments presented in the case studies. Further, references in this case study should not be construed as a recommendation or offer to buy or sell any particular security or to make any particular investment.